Day 18

Walk with Purpose

You are God's masterpiece created in Christ Jesus for good works.

– Ephesians 2:10 NLT/NASB –

The enemy says we are just a product of random, evolutionary mutations. What a lie! You are a unique work of God – a masterpiece of art – an incomparable poem – handmade and handwritten by your heavenly Father. Every baby’s cry is a shout of victory over the enemy. For though the devil is the author of death, our loving Father is the Author of Life – your Creator – your Sustainer – your Savior. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. As God’s living masterpiece, you have been re-created and repurposed in Jesus to step into the good works He desires and places in your path. By looking at life from God’s perspective through spiritual eyes, you will see all the divine appointments He prepared in advance for you to fulfill – all for His glory.

This is who you are.


