Day 28

Walk Away from Accusation

Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for His own?

– Romans 8:33 NLT –

The enemy loves to remind you of how unworthy, broken and sinful we are. The accuser of the brethren wants us to dwell on our shame rather than rejoice in our forgiveness – to assess our lives apart from the cross of Christ. What a ridiculous proposition for those who are in Christ – that is, unless we listen to him. Make up your mind to ignore the serpent’s hiss. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot continue to be tossed here and there by waves of doubt. Jesus has chosen you and called you by name. Choose this day who you will serve. Choose Jesus! He died for all your sins – past, present and future – not just some of them. There is nothing in your life His blood cannot and has not cleansed. Look around. Where are your accusers?

This is who you are.

Walk away from ACCUSATION!

