It’s hard to stay contented in this age of discontentment. Not long ago, people simply repaired things rather than continually replacing. Ever wonder why fashions have to change every single year – why closets were much smaller in older homes – why warranties used to be way longer – why fixer-upper shows are so popular – why private storage units are virtually a modern-day necessity?
Every day we are exposed to literally hundreds of ads telling us what we have is inadequate (not to mention the walking billboards of comparison we are to one another). We live in a land where powerful forces create and then prey on our discontentment. And when we buy into what they are selling, we are actually feeding the hand that bites us.
This vortex of discontentment has a strong pull. Envy. Entitlement. Excess. Appearances. Self. Pride. If you’ve ever had a “that’s so last year” or “I have nothing to wear” moment looking into your jam-packed closet, then you know what I mean. I cleaned out my closet the other day and was embarrassed that nothing I gave away was actually worn out!
Relax. The goal is NOT to make you feel guilty, sell all your possessions, be poorly dressed or bypass remodeling your home. Jesus has not given us a spirit of guilt, but freedom to enjoy all His blessings! But we should take note of how our hearts are prone to wander. They are so easily distracted and attracted by the things of this world, fret over so much that doesn’t truly matter and tend to confuse wants with needs.
We must protect our hearts from the spirit of the age. Walk by The Spirit. Invest in eternal things – in things that never go out of style and stand the test of time. Build the Kingdom. Love people. Hold things loosely. Guard against excess. Set personal boundaries. Be generous. Count your blessings. And be grateful. Remember Jesus told us, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Matthew 6:21.
The contentment we seek is found when Jesus is our treasure.
“Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothing?” – Jesus in Matthew 6:25