Be strong and courageous

When you consider these meanings along with God’s command to obey His Word, not let His Word depart from your mouth, and to “meditate” (“growl, rumble, or groan”) on His Word day and night (Joshua 1:7-9), then you see that success is defined by clinging to the Word and having a steadfast heart for God, not by might or the sword.

Can you hear His voice? God is calling you to “be strong and courageous.” Are you clinging to and abiding in His Word? Do you find His Word frequently on your lips? Are you hiding the Word in your heart so that it’s growling like hunger pangs in the depths of your being? Besides a daily time in the Word, try memorizing and mediating on just one verse of Scripture each month. Start with the one you need the most and God will honor it and multiply it.

© 2012 Tim McKenzie –