
Music is a universal language that we all speak fluently.  It makes us feel and move and sing.  We turn up the volume and sing along even if our voices are not ready for prime-time or we can’t actually hit all the notes.  And those of us who cannot play a real instrument are virtual all-stars on air guitar, drums and keyboard.

Music resonates deeply within us, easily sways our emotions and can instantly transport us to other times and places.  It’s so captivating, we unconsciously memorize lyrics and can sing-along perfectly with songs we have not heard in years.

But there is a singular type of music that is set apart above all others.  Only one that supernaturally unites heart, mind and soul.  Only one that penetrates to the very core of our being and yet resonates within the throne room of heaven.  Only one that joins the song of our heart with the song of all creation.

The praise of God.

Songs of praise – especially when they incorporate the words of Scripture – create a spiritual symphony that both honors the only One worthy of such praise and aligns our hearts to beat with His.  Orchestrated by the Spirit of God, praise produces a harmony like no earthly composition.  It is simultaneously a passionate chord, a liberating Word and a piercing sword.  Does it not cause your lips to sing, your soul to agree and your life to move in the key of God?

I’m going to venture a guess that one of your favorite parts of the Bible – a place you return to time and time again – is the Psalms.  Ever wonder why?  They are songs!  Supernatural songs!  Songs of salvation and praise.  Hymns of hope and deliverance.  Anthems of thanksgiving and joy.  And while we don’t have the original musical score, the Spirit of God supplies a worthy accompaniment as we “sing” them.

On a family trip earlier this month, our 2-year-old grandson, Graham, picked up a silent wireless speaker, shook it and kept saying “Hallelujah!”  He knew where praise usually came from and he wanted to hear it.  What’s crazy is almost no song we play has that word in it!  Think about it: he could have shaken it and said, “Music!” or “Sing!” or many other things, but he said “Hallelujah!”

Go shake your speaker today!

From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise because of Your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.  Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name – that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Come, let us sing to the Lord!  Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.  Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!  Psalm 8:2, 103:1, 30:12, 95:1, 98:4

Spread the Word!

If you want to have a powerful worship experience in the Psalms, try Shane and Shane’s “Psalms Vol 2.”