When you cut yourself, you bleed. But in that same blood, there are antibodies and rebuilding materials already on location. Sticky blood cells called platelets begin to clump together to form a clot and later a scab – the body’s built-in Band-Aid. Bleeding is controlled and a fibrous framework of collagen is laid down in the wound. Then, repair and rebuilding can begin around this miraculous scaffolding. Once the wound is sealed by a scab, the actual healing occurs from the inside out. That’s why a scab eventually falls off to reveal a new layer of skin beneath it. Sometimes if a wound is deep enough or if the site keeps getting disturbed or reinjured, then a scar will form.
We all have scars. Some are visible and some are not, but they all tell a story. The visible ones – particularly for men – are more like glorious medals of honor about the time when I…. You can look at any scar on your body right now and instantly talk about when whatever happened happened. It’s the not so visible ones that seem to convey a different story.
Think about the scars you have in your spirit. Perhaps some deep wounds of the past. Painful memories that somehow can still seem so fresh. If the body can quiet our cries, soothe our pain, close ours wounds, and rebuild the broken, why not the spirit?
“Heal me, Jesus!” is the physical cry He hears so often, but the Great Physician also sees the deeper wounds in us – the wounds of sin – both your sin and the sin of others inflicted on you. Jesus bore your griefs and He carried your sorrows (Isaiah 53:4). He was wounded so that our wounds might be healed (1 Peter 2:24). He came to bind up the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit (Isaiah 61:1; Psalm 34:18).
Like the skin, spiritual wounds are healed from the inside out. Your spiritual scars should not be sorrowful tales of self-woe, but powerful reminders about the time when God…. Not everlasting memorials to our pain, but declarations of His amazing grace. Not tombstones for our failures, but stones of remembrance of His forgiveness. Not the dirge of casualties, but the song of conquerors.
Since the Word assures us “by His wounds we are healed” (1 Peter 2:24), we must not allow the Enemy to repeatedly reopen our wounds. Jesus died to bring complete healing – mind, body, and spirit – so we can get our eyes off ourselves and our bodies and our wounds and onto Him and His Body and His wounds – off our scars and onto His. Otherwise, we remain spiritually bedridden when we should be on the battlefield.
Should there not be more of us who testify to the wholeness Jesus brought to our lives and less of us who are content just to talk about our wounds? Jesus raises up victors, not victims. And since God created your blood to be so inherently powerful, imagine the power of the blood of Jesus!
We need a holy transfusion – the power of His blood at work in our innermost being. The joy of healing is truly far greater than the pain of the injury. Bring your wounds to Jesus and let Him restore you from the inside out.
The Lord heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3 NASB).
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© 2016 Tim McKenzie
On Every Word Ministries