A New Song

I waited patiently for the Lord;
He turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock and
gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in Him. 

Psalm 40:1-3 NIV

Though the notes of this psalm play out differently in each of our lives, its harmony of amazing grace and unfailing love is the same.

The Lord Himself bent down right beside us to make sure we knew He heard our desperate cry.  He rescued us from certain destruction even when were hopelessly trapped in the miry pit we ourselves dug.

Put down the shovel.  
Cease striving.
Look up.
Help is here.
The Lord is near. 

Only God in His magnificent mercy could save us from this self-inflicted bondage and set us free! Only God could miraculously airlift us from the vortex of sinking sand to the apex of solid Rock!

Believe it.
Test it.
It’s firm.
You’re safe. 

This new vantage point of stability gives rise to a new song. He securely sets our feet and then joyously loosens our tongues – both gifts from Him.  Our cry of despair is supernaturally transformed into a hymn of praise.

Only God!

It is our song, but is composed by Him.  We cannot help but sing – yet not with an earthly voice, but a heavenly one – a song of infinite depth and intimate resonance – a song of the heart.  Many will be moved by the sweetness of its melody and the power of its words – words drawn from a limitless well.

O Lord, 
Your compassion, not withheld!
My lips, unrestrained!
Your righteousness – Your faithfulness – Your salvation, not hidden!
Your lovingkindness – Your Truth, not concealed! 

O Lord, none can compare with You!  Many are Your wonders! Many are Your thoughts toward us! Many will SEE Your goodness and TRUST in You!

Rejoice and be glad. 
Declare His praises.
Sing a new song. 

Note: Even though I did not comment, please don’t overlook the Messianic implications of this Psalm – particularly verses 6-8.