Anchor Point

To resist the changing tides, the wind and waves, and firmly hold its position, every ship needs a good anchor. But an anchor’s ultimate success or failure is not simply dependent on its own weight or design, but rather on the reliability of what it is anchored to.

When the Scripture speaks of shipwrecks (1 Timothy 1:19), drifting (Hebrews 2:1), hidden reefs (Jude 1:12) and being tossed by the wind and the waves (Ephesians 4:14, James 1:6), instead of referring to maritime vessels, it uses these words as warnings for you and me.

What will help us resist the strong tides of temptation or being tossed here and there by waves of doubt?  What will stabilize us when storms are threatening to wreck our lives on hidden reefs?  What will save us from ever so slowly drifting into despair?  What will keep our hearts and minds from being pulled away by the currents of fleshly desires, the pride of life and the love of this world?

To successfully navigate this vast and challenging sea of life, we’re going to need a good anchor – but more than that, we must have a faithful Anchor Point.

Jesus is the only Solid Rock, our only Saving Refuge, the only Firm Foundation.  And He has given us faithful and true promises we must cling to.  Every time we read His Word, believe it, claim it and live it out, we are holding fast to imperishable links in an unbreakable chain.  Day by day, we will begin to see and even feel that chain pulling tightly to secure us and keep us anchored to the Rock.

To help you do so, please sign up to receive an Anchor Point from me every Monday morning – an encouraging thought anchored in Scripture.  Just text the word “anchorpoint” to 31996 – it’s free.  Then, think deeply about what you receive, and anchor your heart, mind, and soul to the unshakable Truth of our faithful God.

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil. Hebrews 6:19 NASB