Each Memorial Day we pause to honor those who died in the military service of our country. We honor them by remembering what they died for. And we who live on because of their sacrifice not only enjoy freedom, but are also called to defend it here at home.
“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up among us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” – Abraham Lincoln
Think for a moment about what you have been witnessing. Consider how quickly and easily freedoms vanished. In a flash, our right to gather to worship, to provide for our families, to privacy, to bury our dead, to access basic services and care, to leave our homes or speak freely disappeared. Some will say it was necessary, but the discerning eye will see we were unlawfully forced to do so, and we obeyed mostly out of fear.
The Constitution was trampled on. Law unequally applied. Truth censored. Thought suppressed. Power grabbed. Due process denied. Protest forbidden. Misinformation disseminated. Workers deemed “non-essential.” Lives and livelihoods destroyed. Citizens trying to work jailed while convicted criminals freed. Official orders and even arbitrary whims magically transformed into enforceable laws without any true legislative action or constitutionality. In short, freedom was enslaved.
We must wake up! Is this what those we honor on Memorial Day died to preserve? Since this assault on freedom is not over, here are a few things to remember:
- – Don’t be enslaved
- – Freedom is still worth fighting for
- – Think for yourself
- – Truth matters
- – You do have a choice
- – Follow the Good Shepherd
- – Don’t be deceived
- – Test the spirits at work
- – Dare to risk
- – Look for divine opportunities
- – Encourage one another
- – Remain grateful
- – Proclaim the Word
- – Show the love of Christ
- – Keep your eyes on Jesus
- – Pray for revival
- – Fear not
- – Be brave
- – Be free
John 8:32 ESV “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus