No one likes a bully. They seem to be lurking around every corner. Ready to pounce, they intimidate and humiliate. Inflicting constant worry and dread, bullies push us around and try to imprison us in isolation. Many of us have had to endure a bully in our past, but everyone on earth is pursued by this enemy.
From our first breath, an unseen adversary came to visit. One more formidable and oppressive than any we’ve ever encountered. Stalking us night and day, there is no escape from the threats it intends to keep. This ancient foe, unearthed in the Garden, sits atop the food chain with no natural predators.
Death is a cruel enemy.
Wielding a host of lethal weaponry against the weakness of sinful flesh, we fear it and do everything in our power to avoid it. Satan, the unmerciful master of death, seeks to steal, kill and destroy. He was a murderer from the beginning. He delights in death and rejoices over the grave.
Remember when Jesus came to the tomb of His friend Lazarus? As He approached it and saw the weeping of Mary, He was “intensely moved in spirit” – the Greek literally says, “He snorted with anger.” For as Jesus, the Author of Life, walked toward death, it made Him groan out loud with anger.
He hated the lies of Satan.
He hated how sin brings death.
He hated how death separates.
He hated such pain and distress.
Oh, what a Savior!
Jesus was angry, but His anger sprung from a supernatural heart of love and compassion that moved Him to face our enemies on the cross. Jesus confronted sin, Satan and death on our behalf and was victorious. As the perfect sacrifice for sin, the sinless Son of God rose from the dead never to die again! He silenced the boasts of Satan and conquered the grave!
Thank You, Jesus, for the victory we have over sin and death.
Thank You for the power of Your precious blood.
Thank You that we no longer must live in fear.
Thank you that nothing, including death, can ever separate us from Your amazing love.
Oh, what a Savior!
O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 ESV